Artificial Intelligence: Relation with Control Theory
In this lesson, Artificial Intelligence: Relation with Control Theory, we are going to discuss the role of control theory in the development of Artificial Intelligence. If you want to know how the ideas from control theory are adopted in the development of more intelligent AI systems, in this lesson we will study a brief history […]
Artificial Intelligence: Relation with Neuroscience
In this lesson, Artificial Intelligence: Relation with Neuroscience, we are going to learn a brief history of the ideas from neuroscience that assisted the development of AI. So let’s dive deeper into the major ideas and prominent figures associated with it. Neurosciences and artificial intelligence (AI) are two fascinating fields that have begun to intersect […]
Artificial Intelligence and Economics
When we think about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Economics, we might not immediately connect the dots. However, economics plays a fascinating and crucial role in the development and application of AI. We will explore some of the intriguing ways in which Artificial Intelligence and Economics merge together to create intelligent systems. But before that let’s […]
Role of Statistics in Artificial Intelligence
Similar to the role of mathematics in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This lesson will give a glimpse into the Role of Statistics in Artificial Intelligence. Statistics provides essential tools and techniques for extracting meaningful insights from data, making informed decisions, and building robust AI systems. The field of Statistics emerged as formalizing probability […]
Role of Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence
In this lesson, Role of Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence Part I, we are going to study the importance of mathematics in the field of artificial intelligence. As you can see, this is part I of the story, how the ideas related to mathematics in the theory of AI need more space and words, of course! […]
Philosophical Reflection on Artificial Intelligence
In part I, Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence, we delve into the philosophical questions of formal logic and reasoning. We have seen Aristotle’s development of formal logic and reasoning, Ramon Llull’s “Ars Magna” or “The Great Art”, and Da Vinci’s attempt to design a “Mechanical Calculator” for laying the foundation of Mechanical Computing Devices, and Thomas […]
Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence
In this lesson, we would be discussing Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence. Unlike any other written source of history, we also try to include some contributed ideas, disciplines, and viewpoints and are bound to leave some important topics to the curiosity of the reader. An interested reader can dig deeper into the history to understand the […]
Cognitive Modelling in Artificial Intelligence
When we say a computer program thinks like humans, we must know or understand how humans think. Cognitive Modelling in Artificial Intelligence is a hot topic of discussion. Understanding human thought processes is a complex endeavor, and researchers have explored various avenues to gain insights into how humans think. Three primary methods have been employed: […]
The Turing Test Guide for Artificial Intelligence
What if machines could think, reason, and communicate like humans? The Turing Test Guide for Artificial Intelligence deals with this philosophical question. The Turing Test has long been a captivating benchmark, challenging the boundaries of artificial intelligence. The Turing Test was proposed as a thought experiment by Allan Turing in 1950 just after World War […]
The Domain of Artificial Intelligence
Throughout human history, our intelligence has been a defining characteristic that sets us apart. We proudly identify ourselves as Homo sapiens, or “man the wise,” recognizing the immense value of our intellectual capabilities. For countless generations, we have embarked on a quest to comprehend the inner workings of our minds—how we think, how we make […]