Python Code for Firefly Algorithm

The Firefly Algorithm (FA) is a nature-inspired optimization algorithm that simulates the behavior of fireflies. Fireflies are bioluminescent insects that emit light to attract mates and communicate with each other. The FA uses this behavior to find optimal solutions to complex problems, as discussed in the previous lessons (see Introduction to Firefly Algorithm). In the […]

MATLAB Code for Firefly Algorithm

In this lesson, we will study MATLAB Code for Firefly Algorithm. As we know, the Firefly Algorithm (FA) is a nature-inspired optimization algorithm that simulates the behavior of fireflies. Fireflies are bioluminescent insects that emit light to attract mates and communicate with each other. The FA uses this behavior to find optimal solutions to complex […]

Introduction to Firefly Algorithm

The Firefly Algorithm is a nature-inspired optimization algorithm that simulates the behavior of fireflies to solve complex optimization problems. These problems arise in various domains of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Many of us have seen fireflies near our gardens, grasslands, or near woods. These lighting bugs have always attracted our interest and surprised us. […]