In this lesson, we are learning the implementation of the Python Code for the ABC algorithm. If you want to read about the basics of the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm, please see the Introduction to ABC algorithm. ABC Algorithm was proposed by Karaboga in 2005. This algorithm simulates the food-foraging behaviors of honey bees. ABC algorithm is a simple, easy-to-implement, and fast population-based stochastic optimizer.
![Artificial Bee Colony](
Here we are adding Python code for the ABC algorithm for easy implementation. The code can be reused and modified according to the given objective problem.
import random
import numpy as np
# Set the parameters
num_employed_bees = 50
num_onlooker_bees = 50
max_iterations = 100
limit = 50
problem_size = 30
# Define the fitness function
def fitness_function(x):
return np.sum(x**2)
# Initialize the population
food_sources = np.random.rand(num_employed_bees, problem_size) * 100
fitness_values = np.array([fitness_function(food) for food in food_sources])
no_improvement_counters = np.zeros(num_employed_bees)
# Main loop
for iteration in range(max_iterations):
# Employed bees phase
for i in range(num_employed_bees):
# Randomly select a dimension to change
dimension = random.randint(0, problem_size - 1)
# Generate a new candidate solution (mutant)
mutant = np.copy(food_sources[i])
mutant[dimension] += (random.random() - 0.5) * 2 # Modify the selected dimension randomly
# Evaluate the fitness of the mutant
mutant_fitness = fitness_function(mutant)
# Greedy selection between the current solution and its mutant
if mutant_fitness < fitness_values[i]:
food_sources[i] = mutant
fitness_values[i] = mutant_fitness
no_improvement_counters[i] = 0
no_improvement_counters[i] += 1
# Calculate the probabilities based on fitness values
total_fitness = np.sum(fitness_values)
if total_fitness == 0:
probabilities = np.ones(num_employed_bees) / num_employed_bees
probabilities = (1.0 / (1.0 + fitness_values)) / np.sum(1.0 / (1.0 + fitness_values))
# Onlooker bees phase
for j in range(num_onlooker_bees):
# Select a food source based on roulette wheel selection
selected_food_source = np.random.choice(num_employed_bees, p=probabilities)
# Randomly select a dimension to change
dimension = random.randint(0, problem_size - 1)
# Generate a new candidate solution (mutant)
mutant = np.copy(food_sources[selected_food_source])
mutant[dimension] += (random.random() - 0.5) * 2 # Modify the selected dimension randomly
# Evaluate the fitness of the mutant
mutant_fitness = fitness_function(mutant)
# Greedy selection between the selected solution and its mutant
if mutant_fitness < fitness_values[selected_food_source]:
food_sources[selected_food_source] = mutant
fitness_values[selected_food_source] = mutant_fitness
no_improvement_counters[selected_food_source] = 0
no_improvement_counters[selected_food_source] += 1
# Scout bees phase
for k in range(num_employed_bees):
if no_improvement_counters[k] > limit:
food_sources[k] = np.random.rand(problem_size) * 100
fitness_values[k] = fitness_function(food_sources[k])
no_improvement_counters[k] = 0
# Display the best solution in each iteration
best_fitness = np.min(fitness_values)
print(f"Iteration {iteration}, Best Fitness: {best_fitness}")
# Find the overall best solution
overall_best_fitness = np.min(fitness_values)
overall_best_index = np.argmin(fitness_values)
overall_best_solution = food_sources[overall_best_index]
print("--- Optimization Results ---")
print(f"Best Fitness: {overall_best_fitness}")
print(f"Best Solution: {overall_best_solution}")
If you’re looking for the MATLAB implementation of the ABC algorithm, please click here. ABC algorithm is an amazing algorithm to explore, want to see some research work related to the ABC algorithm, check out this link.